Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Ordained Interfaith Minister Paul McMahon Chonny and Claudio Sanchez of Coheed and Cambria
Join Paul McMahon every 7th at 7
We gather at the sacred crystal sound chamber every 7th at 7 and make sounds to clean the ocean of cosmic thought.
I lead a guided meditation to send and receive blessing at 10 am each Sunday morning in the back yard of the Mothership, at 6 Sergeant Richard Quinn Drive in Woodstock NY 12498 US. The public is invited. It’s a short ceremony. Children are welcome.
In around 2005 an admirer of BFFBABYMAMA gave a beautiful swimming pool to my twin girls. We set it up in the back yard and it was their favorite thing in the world for the one or two summers it was here. They would stay in it sometimes three hours at a clip. After a while there was a very bad smell around it that lasted a day or two and went away. Much later, when it was emptied I found out why. Lack of light and water finally killed the grass and it all seemed to have died at once, giving off that bad smell.
At some point it became okay for the pool to move on and i gave it to my Mexican friend whose apartment was in what i think is a small cluster of Hispanic families in Kingston. I think many children had fun in it. The pool left an imprint where it had been; a big circle of bare earth. I decided to make a little firepit there because the great Shiva firepit established by Bhagavan Das next door is really the domain of my friend Shiv Mirabito, it’s caretaker.
Since 1996, when I moved into this house, I had been hearing the church bells ring each Sunday morning and feeling what? I couldn’t put my finger on it but after all I had been officially ordained an Interfaith minister in the Sacred Sound Chamber at the Seminary: the Center for Alternative Resources at the Wittenberg Center just months earlier. But there was no church I knew about in Woodstock in 1996 that I wanted to go to.
Fast forward 10 years and I am making a small firepit on the bare spot of the recently removed swimming pool. This usually entails removing all the vegetation but that part was done of course. All I needed was a circle of stones. I asked my Mother Superior Betsy Stang for permission and obtained four stones from Grandfather Thundercloud’s former medicine wheel. I placed them in the four directions of the pit. It was at his house in Sparta (after the chimney fire in Branchville) that I was visited by the four directions in dreamspace.
I soon realized I could do a little church service of my own at that firepit. There may be a record of it advertised as a Mothership program, which it still is. In the fall of 2007 the Woodstock Mothership, started with Ralph Schiano, opened on the ground floor. My foggy memory is that I started doing a weekly Sunday meditation at the small firepit around then. I have done it every Sunday since except when I was out of town. The ceremony has only been definitively rained out once and that was when a trouble-making person was present. Every other time the weather has been sweetly benevolent.
There is the most extreme drought in living history happening now in much of the nation. I am a student of Native American prophecy. As such I was aware of and viewed videotapes of the recitations of prophecy by spiritual elders representing seven indigenous nations (tribes) of North and Central America in the Cry of the Earth conference at the UN in 1993.
In the broadest outline most but not all of the native prophecies, like the Revelations of John, paint a grim picture of divine retribution. God is angry with Man, therefore He destroys the world and punishes evildoers while lifting the chosen to heaven and eternal salvation, more or less.
A recurring theme in these prophecies is of drought. Many warn of a three year drought. A friend was recently reviewing video from this event, and one of the Canadian faithkeepers said that before the drought there would be too much rain.
I was blessed to have received teaching from a highly evolved spiritual teacher named Grandfather Thundercloud. I had the remarkable experience of seeing him end a drought in Maine in 1991. A friend, artist Aviva Rahmani, lived on a small island off the Maine coast called Vinal Haven. There had been very little rain for two months and going into August she was very concerned for the local farmers’ crops. It was from her that I had first heard of the medicine wheel. She had studied with Sun Bear in California, one of the first who brought traditional teachings out to the New Age audience. I had told her about Grandfather’s amazing connection with the elements and she asked him to come to Vinal Haven to end the drought, which he agreed to do. He asked me to come along to be his firekeeper.
To get to Vinal Haven you take a ferry. Grandfather and his wife Helene arrived shortly before me and as I parked the car it had already begun to rain lightly. In other words it started raining pretty much the same time as Grandfather arrived. By the time we boarded the ferry it increased and it continued to rain harder during the boat ride and by the time we arrived it was really coming down. Ironically this created a problem for Grandfather, who was around 70, because for some strange reason he would become ill every time rainwater touched him. Later he had himself hypnotized and was able shake that problem but for now there was quite a bit of effort devoted to keeping the rain off of him on the dock and so forth. We met Aviva and drove to the site where Grandfather’s medicine wheel would occur the next day. As soon as we arrived the rain stopped completely for a few minutes and he examined the site and measured it out by footsteps. After finding it acceptable we got back into the cars and it immediately began to rain again and through the night, clearing into a gorgeous sunny day just before noon, the time the people came to participate in the medicine wheel teachings. The sun shone throughout the ceremony which lasted somewhere between two and three hours. He taught us to send thanks to the four directions and how to honor all life. He talked about his experiences, visions and about how everything is alive and related.
When the ceremony ended it clouded over and started raining again, less heavily, and continued on through our second night on the island. The next day it was clear. Checking online climate records for 1991, June and July were several inches below normal and in August Maine got over four inches more rain than usual.
Recently Governor Andrew Cuomo issued an unprecedented severe weather warning for our area. There was a storm causing great damage to the west of us and it was going to arrive that day. Damaging strong winds, potentially catastrophic flash flooding and the possibility of large hail were forecast for us. People were frightened and everyone was talking about it. There were many reports of wild weather that day and a tornado was reported in Elmira, a ways south of Woodstock.
It didn’t happen in Woodstock. We didn’t get any strong winds and we received just about the right amount of rain. We really needed it because the woods were definitely getting a bit too dry. All day that day I sat on the front porch with a small group of young girls; my eleven year old twins and two of their friends. We watched videos of them as babies and I talked about how you can send love to the clouds and thank them for the rain they are dropping on us. Children are more likely to believe you can do things like this and more able to witness the interactive dynamic between man and nature when it happens. Because of my own experiences along the spiritual path I have been given a glimpse of the profound connection we have with all of creation. Our thoughts about reality are also creating reality and nowhere is this easier to see than in the back and forth between man and weather.
Grandfather Thundercloud told me how he had ended a drought in New Jersey once. He lived in rural NJ in a town called Branchville. There had been no rain in a long time and there had not even been a cloud in the sky for days. One day Grandfather saw a tiny cloud far away on the horizon. He sent thanks to that cloud and greetings, and told it how happy he was it was there and holding that moisture. The next day the cloud was back only bigger and Grandfather continued sending thanks. The next day there were lots of clouds and the day after that it started raining and it rained for days, ending the drought.
In September 2011 a ranking spiritual elder of the Hopi in conjunction with a Tibetan lama announced that the fifth world had begun. This is a fairly open-ended concept which may be analogous to the birth of the New Age. As I understand it the fifth world can only begin after purification. On its face this suggests the dire prophetic Hopi predictions may not have to come to pass after all.
It may, in addition, be intimately connected with His Holiness the 17th Gwalya Karmapa (whose North American seat is the KTD monastery overlooking Woodstock) and a Hopi prophecy known as the return of the bahana. This is a complex subject for another time, but in brief it may be noted that His Holiness, in his previous incarnation, visited Hopiland in the 70s and it rained when the Hopi elders asked him to make it rain. In his current incarnation he has made other statements, putting on a ceremonial red hat to honor the red man. His Holiness the 17th is also associated with weather phenomena, particularly rainbows. People see rainbows when he is around.
At about 8 o’clock after a day of close observation of the weather, a day in which the terrible fury simply did not appear, there was another remarkable phenomenon. Feeling relieved that the danger had passed I was shocked to suddenly see the entire western sky lit a brilliant yellow. At first I had the feeling it could be dangerous. I’ve heard that if the sky turns green it means a tornado could happen. I ran outside to get a closer look, up to the top of Hillcrest Ave. What I saw was the yellowest yellow sky I’ve ever seen completely filling the west. It was a monochromatic yellow, unlike anything I’ve ever seen, but it certainly did not feel dangerous. I turned around and there was a rainbow all the way from the north to south arching high up over the whole sky and from my vantage point, directly over our home. It stayed for a while and became a double rainbow for part of the time. I thought of the Karmapa and remembered the golden effulgence which is also associated with him –the yellow sky. At times, during the day, when it looked as though the weather might become destructive I had called upon the Karmapa’s energy by the simple prayer Karmapa-cheno. His presence and protection seems manifest to me, for one.
I wonder if the New Age is when you understand your relationship to perceived reality and you can have a positive effect that in days of old would have been called witchcraft or at least magical but in the New Age simply reflects a growing mastery of the mysterious concept of oneness.